Career Planning

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It is typically a detailed career proposal with actions steps, timelines and resources to achieve an objective. It allows you to determine your skills, interests, set career goals and take actions.

Having a Career Plan is vital to your career success. It is a continuous process and involves:

  • Evaluating yourself :- your skills, interests, and experience
  • Setting career goals (long term and short term)
  • Setting priorities with timelines
  • Putting actions together

Making a plan starts by sitting down and thinking;

What do I want to do?

Where do I want to go?

It’s about reflecting on everything that aligns you and gets you into shape to achieve your life and career goals.

Why Career Planning is important?

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

In order to progress in a career it is helpful to breakdown the actions needed to complete it. Career planning will help you to track your career and make sure that it is going in the right direction.

Considering the VUCA world it’s necessary to have a plan which will track your progress and guide your professional journey successfully. Career plans will help you make decisions about what courses to take and identify the extracurricular activities, research , internships, skill development, certifications that will make you a strong personality.

Who should make a career plan?

Everyone from school students to college students to professionals; all of them can benefit from creating a career plan. A career plan will ensure your goals and actions are in line.

Get your Career Planning done with the help of our experts.